Medical Members include licensed physicians, dentists and veterinarians ethically engaged in one or more phases of cytologic practice, teaching or research.
International Medical Members will include licensed physicians, dentists, and veterinarians ethically engaged in one or more phases of cytologic practice, teaching, or research, physicians in a fellowship program, and physicians
in a pathology residency training programs that are outside of North America.
Cytologist Members include cytologist who are ethically engaged in one or more phases of cytology practice, teaching, or research and are eligible for Cytologist Membership
provided that they meet one of the following requirements:
- Persons who, prior to November 13, 1964, completed at least six (6) months of accumulated
training in a laboratory acceptable to the Society and who have been engaged in the practice of this specialty, including screening, for at least two years; or
- Persons who have completed twelve (12) months of training in a program of Cytology accredited by the Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation of the American Medical Association (CAHEA), or the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP); or
- Cytologists certified by the Board of Registry of the American Society for Clinical Pathology, the International Academy of Cytopathology, the Canadian Society of Laboratory Technologists, by other certifying agencies, or at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Voting Cytologist Members include cytologists who are ethically engaged in one or more phases of cytology practice, teaching or research, and who, having met three (3) of the professional requirements, were elected by the
Membership Committee to this voting membership. This category will be restricted to a maximum of 15% of the total voting membership.
Click here for professional requirements
Cytopathology Fellow Members include physicians in a cytopathology fellowship program.
Pathology Resident Members include physicians in a pathology residency training program
Students currently enrolled in accredited programs, medical school program or an undergraduate program with an interest in pathology or laboratory science are eligible to become Student Members.
Physicians in a fellowship program and physicians in a pathology residency training program that are outside of North America.
Scientist Members include Doctors of Science, Philosophy, and Education who are engaged in research or teaching in the field of cytopathology. It also includes those individuals who, by reason of unusual proficiency and
scientific attainment in cytopathology, are considered properly qualified for membership herein.
Affiliate membership includes laboratory personnel and non-laboratory personnel with an interest in cytopathology.
International Affiliate Members will include cytologists, Doctors of Science, Philosophy, and Education who are engaged in research or teaching in the field of cytopathology/cytology, cytology students, and laboratory personnel
and non‐laboratory personnel with an interest in cytopathology that are outside of North America.
For more information regarding Membership Types and Requirements view the ASC bylaws